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how to get a lucky trade

To put things into perspective, the Lucky Rate when trading two ‘two-year-old Pokemon’ will be the same as when trading a new one with a three-year-old species in Pokemon Go. At the moment, this is the only way to add a Lucky species to your Pokemon Go collection. Pokemon Go provides a unique background to Lucky Pokemon when players view them. This means it is much easier as well as cheaper to get a Lucky Pokemon to the game’s maximum level of 50 than a normal creature you may find. When you’re Lucky Friends with another trainer, the next trade you make with them is guaranteed to give you a Lucky Pokemon. According to research by The Silph Road[4], the odds are based on the ages of each of the Pokémon being traded.

Getting a Lucky Pokemon in Pokemon Go is a good way for players to secure species with good stats and level them up with ease due to their reduced Stardust leveling cost. Here’s all you need to know about getting Lucky Pokemon in Pokemon Go. Older Pokémon that were caught in July or August of 2016 are currently guaranteed to go Lucky if certain requirements are met.

Both trainers involved in a guaranteed Lucky trade must not have already done ten of these. A trainer can trade their 2016 Beedrill for a 2020 Kyurem, and both will go Lucky. Lucky Pokémon are special Pokémon that can only be attained in Pokémon GO by trading. These Pokémon have a guarantee of good stats, with a minimum of twelve (our of fifteen) points in Attack, Defense, and HP. In addition to a shimmering golden effect cascading behind it, a Lucky Pokémon features a steeply discounted power-up cost. This guide will break down how to get Lucky in Pokémon GO, as well as when and how Lucky Trades should be spent.

how to get a lucky trade

There are ways to increase your chances of Lucky Pokémon — and a way for the trade to result in a guaranteed Lucky Pokémon every time. In our Pokémon Go Lucky Pokémon guide, we’ll explain how to get a Lucky Pokémon and the benefits for doing so. The changes in Individual Value also affect Lucky Pokemon when trading.

how to get a lucky trade

Since there is no assurance of this, it’s best to keep trading the one Pokemon you want to be Lucky. As of now, there are a few guaranteed ways to get a Lucky Pokemon when trading. These methods still work even if one trainer does not satisfy the following conditions. Lucky Pokémon are highly desired because of their reduced Stardust cost when powering up.

It’s a very low chance, but it happens just often enough that you should get one or two. You can even become Lucky Friends more than once with the same player. It’s possible that the Pokemon you receive from a trade may be stronger than the one you sent. This way, it may be easier to get & train more powerful Pokemon by keeping on trading. Niantic ethereum mining vs. bitcoin mining has also updated the stats & IV that Lucky Pokemon will come with when received. They will now have a minimum of 80% IV, making them more powerful than before.

How to become Lucky Friends with Friendship in Pokémon Go

Lucky Friends is a unique status in Pokémon Go’s Friendship system. Every trainer needs friends, whether it’s to help with raids or trade Pokémon, and completing activities with others can reward you with a guaranteed way way to get Lucky Pokémon. Specifically, Pokemon Go Lucky Pokemon cost 50% less stardust to power up, making them easy to boost the CP of and ready for battle.

How To Get Lucky Pokemon

Meltan are Mythical but you can still trade them so you can certainly get a lucky Meltan. I have both Lucky Meltan and Lucky Melmetal.The other Mythical Pokémon are not tradeable, so as of right now (23/4-19), you can’t get a lucky Mew, Celebi or Deoxys. Your feedbacks will be checked by our staffs and will be attended to accordingly. Please be advised that we may not reply to every individual feedbacks.

Has Special Sparkling Background & Effect

We recommend using Lucky Eggs before hitting Ultra or Best Friends to double that XP. With a Lucky Egg, reaching Best Friends with a single player rewards a whopping 200,000 XP. Special trades that feature Legendary or Shiny Pokémon not in your Pokédex can cost up to 1,000,000 Stardust to trade, so get your friendship levels up first. The trade cost decreases to 800,000 for Great Friends, 80,000 for Ultra Friends, and 40,000 for Best Friends. Trading costs Stardust and it can be cheap or expensive depending on the situation. While trading regular Pokemon that are registered on both players’ Pokedex costs 100 Stardust, trading Shiny, Legendary, or unregistered Pokemon could cost up to 1,00,000 Stardust.

  1. While trading regular Pokemon that are registered on both players’ Pokedex costs 100 Stardust, trading Shiny, Legendary, or unregistered Pokemon could cost up to 1,00,000 Stardust.
  2. Lucky Pokemon are different than regular species in Pokemon Go based on two major factors.
  3. At the moment, this is the only way to add a Lucky species to your Pokemon Go collection.
  4. At random, a Pokémon may turn Lucky, which will happen for both players, when a trade is completed.

A Lucky Pokemon’s IV is relatively higher than those caught in the wild, the same as Pokemon hatched from eggs or caught from raid battles. If you have Lucky Friends, which happens randomly when you trade gifts when Best Friends, then your next trade will be Lucky, guaranteed. This means that holding onto rare Pokémon for a long time is probably worth doing, even if just to get a Lucky Pokémon.

This means that your next trade with that player will turn both traded Pokémon into Lucky Pokémon. You can only raise your friendship level once per day, so if you’re trying to maximize your gifts or save time, make sure you haven’t raised your friendship already that day. You can check this by looking at your friend’s portrait on the friend screen. If there is a thin, light blue circle or halo around the friend’s circle, that means your friendship has already been raised that day. Don’t confuse the halo with the flat circle behind the player, which is just an indicator of what team they’re on.

Normally when you trade Pokémon, the Individual Values (or IVs) of the Pokémon are shuffled randomly. However, if you trade a Pokémon and it becomes Lucky, it will always have at least 80% IVs, ensuring a pretty strong Pokémon. That being said, if you have a Lucky Friend, send over a powerful Legendary or pseudo-legendary Pokémon to make the most of the bonus. You can get Lucky Pokémon randomly when trading Pokémon with friends. When you trade, there’s a small chance that your Pokémon will become Lucky.

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